Celebrate Recovery

Celebrate Recovery is a Confidential, Christ Centered, 12-Step Support Ministry For ALL of Life’s Hurts, Hang-Ups and Habits...
Recovery is NOT Just for Drugs & Alcohol Anymore
Welcome to an amazing spiritual adventure!
Welcome to Celebrate Recovery (CR) at 1st Presbyterian. CR started at 1st Presbyterian Church in May of 2022 and we continue our commitment to let God use our experience, strength, and hope to guide you to real freedom and healing from whatever Hurts, Hang-Ups or Habits you may struggle with. YOU ARE NOT ALONE! We are dedicated to walk along side with you on your recovery journey. We just show up and let God do the work.
Celebrate Recovery Small Groups CAN:
Provide you a safe place to share your Hurts, Hang-Ups, and Habits with others that are also going through similar challenges.
Provide you with a facilitator who has gone through similar Hurts, Hang-Ups, or Habits and who will facilitate the group as it focuses on a particular Step each week.
The Facilitators will also follow Celebrate Recovery’s “Small Group Guidelines,” listed below.
Provide you with the opportunity to find an Accountability Partner or a Sponsor.
Encourage you to attend other recovery meetings held throughout the week. Ask for a copy of our Where & When Meeting List.
Celebrate Recovery Small Groups Will NOT:
Attempt to offer any professional advice; our facilitators are not counselors.
Allow its members to attempt to “fix” one another.
Small Group Guidelines
Keep your sharing focused on your own thoughts and feelings. Limit your sharing to 3–5 minutes.
There will be NO cross-talk. Cross-talk is when two individuals engage in conversation excluding all
others. Each person is free to express his or her feelings without interruptions.
We are here to support one another, not “fix” one another.
Anonymity and confidentiality are basic requirements. What is shared in the group stays in the group. The only exception is when someone threatens to injure themselves or others.
Offensive language has no place in a Christ-centered recovery group.
Chemically Dependency
If you find that you cannot quit drinking or using entirely, even when you honestly want to, or if you have little control over the amount you consume, you are probably an alcoholic and/or an addict. If that is the case, you may be suffering from a problem that only a spiritual solution will conquer.
Physical/Emotional & Sexual Abuse
For those who have endured past physical, sexual and/or emotional abuse. Recovery includes healing from the traumas done to us at sometime in our past, as well as healing from the influence these past experiences continue to have on our lives.
Mental Health
Fifty percent of all adults will experience some sort of mental health issue in their life. Mental Health issues are an ongoing condition that affect moods, behaviors, and thinking patterns which may cause suffering and/or may interfere with a person’s ability to function with typical daily activities on a frequent basis. We can support and encourage you while you watch God’s perfect power heal and offer you hope.
If you find yourself struggling with the compulsion to rescue and take care of others, or have difficulty setting boundaries, or recognizing your own worth, you can learn to express your own needs and wants in healthy ways.
Adult Children of Family Dysfunction (ACFD)
The family problem of alcoholism or any other “ism” made us “co-victims”—those who take on the characteristics of the alcoholic without necessarily ever taking a drink, or taking on any dysfunctional behavior carried down from the dysfunctional family member, can cause chaos in our lives. Choosing to recognize and exit the modeled behaviors is the beginning of recovery for the ACFD.
Other examples of Recovery:
Sexual Addiction, Eating Disorders and Food Addiction, Cultural Diversity, Anger, Financial Debt/Spending, Love And Relationship Addiction
Dana 561-371-9880
Johnathan 863-243-0951.
This is what Newcomers hear their first time they attend: “If this is your first time to Celebrate Recovery, welcome to our forever family. It’s not so important why you’re here. What is important is that you’re here. Keep coming back!”
Mac and I have a 10-year-old grandson who is learning how to play the stand up bass. We were at his first concert. The conductor teaches at 3 schools. This concert was the first time for all 3 schools. 115 children were going to perform together. These students had never even seen each other before this concert. It was amazing hearing students from different backgrounds with different personalities, who had never played together before, come together and make music. The conductor said the common goal he first teaches them to focus on is to start together, stay together and finish together. That’s how they came to make beautiful music together! Just like in learning an instrument and playing with others, this can work in our lives too!
Start together. Are you struggling with a hurt, hang-up or habit? Are you tired of trying to fight your battles alone? If you want to experience victory in your life and witness others doing the same, seize the opportunity to start attending a Celebrate Recovery.
Stay together. Just because you start attending a Celebrate Recovery, usually things don’t get better immediately. It’s a process. You’re going to have challenges along the way. The enemy will try to distract you and tempt you to give up. Do not listen to his lies. Trust the process and the people God will bring along your recovery journey in Celebrate Recovery.
Finish together. By working hard and staying the course, we find healing while becoming a part of bringing beauty, God’s glory, to others. We get give out the hope of Jesus Christ that we have found.
I love thinking of how people from all over the planet come together in Celebrate Recovery with different backgrounds, different skin colors, different accents all joining together to make a difference in this world.
Then when Jesus returns, we will hear, “Well done, good and faithful servant. Enter in the Kingdom of Heaven. Let’s celebrate together!”
That’s what we do in Celebrate Recovery Forever Family: Start together. Stay together. Finish together.